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Strengthening solutions

Research Units

Seismic Risk Assessment Research Center (CERS)

Sector Sustainable buildings, Energy, Eco-industry

Strengthening solutions

Seismic behavior of 'PAIANTĂ' houses

Appropriate strengthening methods for the Romanian traditional ”PAIANTĂ” house

The main objective is to offer to people or authorities strengthening solutions specific to “paianta” houses, validated through experimental tests which simulate the walls subjected to the seismic load. The methods aim to help maintain the value of this type of traditional house within the cultural identity of our country.

After the experimental campaign in which walls, connections and component materials will be tested to check each method proposed, a comparison will be made among all the proposed and tested methods, in terms of effectiveness, cost and also easiness to apply. The comparison will be done also with reference to previous projects related to the topic, but also other researchers’ (international) results.

Volunteers will be invited to a workshop and they will help us apply a strengthening solution on the damaged wall, and after that it will be tested again to check the effectiveness of the solution.